RUFF in the Rockies Flyball Tournament

June 7 & 8, 2025

Can I Play

Yes! Dogs of all breeds and sizes can play. If you think you and your dog would enjoy playing flyball, please see our Education page for more information. *Please note: Dogs that are agressive to people or other dogs would not do well in this sport.

What is Flyball

Flyball matches two teams of four dogs each, racing side-by-side over a 51 foot long course. Each dog must run relay fashion down the jumps, trigger a flyball box, releasing the ball, retreiving the ball, and return over the jumps. The next dog goes when the previous dog has returned and reached the start/finish line. The first team to have all four dogs finish the course without error wins!

Who We Are:

RUFF is a Denver, Colorado based all volunteer non-profit organization committed to support animal rescue organizations both financially and by providing demonstrations at fundraising events. RUFF’s encourages responsible dog ownership and with flyball strenghtens the owner/dog relationship.